
“Among all natural healing modalities, flower remedies often deserve more modern recognition for their gentle and sensuous qualities, as they provide a safe and effective treatment option that is largely free of hazardous side effects. Gudrun Penselin has created a comprehensive and insightful work on the inherent healing qualities of Bach Flowers in Healing Spirituality: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Working with Bach Flowers. Flush with historical insight, practical guidance and a thorough understanding of the vibrational healing powers of Bach flowers, this book is a must-read for both beginners in the field as well as experts, who will benefit from an enriched understanding of remedial flower therapies.”

– Steven K. H. Aung, CM AOE MD PhD FAAFP
Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Adjunct Professor, Faculties of Extension, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences and Rehabilitation Medicine and School of Public Health
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

“Gudrun’s work, Healing Spirituality, is a loving exploration of the magnificent findings of Dr. Bach. Through decades of research, clinical practice as well as intuitive guidance she has brought together a comprehensive handbook that is an inspiring blend of Gudrun’s contemporary approach, Dr. Bach’s original work and accessible how-to use materials. Written for practitioners, enthusiasts and the curious. This is no doubt the most significant compendium I have had the pleasure to read.”

– Paula Marie Skalnek – Clinical Herbal Therapist


“As a Holistic Nutritionist specializing in Digestion and the Lymphatic System, so much of my time and studying is focused in these areas. I have always wanted to learn more about Bach Flowers, but there was so much information out there, I felt overwhelmed until I read Gudrun Penselin’s book, HEALING SPIRITUALITY a Practical Guide to Understanding & Working with BACH FLOWERS! What an INCREDIBLE book! It is so SIMPLE to follow and comprehend, yet so informative. I am thrilled that Gudrun also incorporated breathtaking photos, giving it much more visual depth and easier to absorb and identify these flowers. I feel this book should be in every home and classroom, teaching children/adults about their surroundings and helping them stay in touch with nature.”

– Donna Rotar
Holistic Nutritionist


I am a medical herbalist who regularly uses flower essences in my practice. There are many book on this subject available and I anticipated that this book would be fairly standard in he level of content on the subject. I was extremely pleased to discover that it most definitely went above the standard and included insightful information on the not only the essences but on the type of person they are best suited for. The authors obvious knowledge and passion for the subject and sincere wish to see others helped by using the Bach Remedies comes through over and over again throughout the book. It is definitely a valuable tool for anyone wanting to have a deeper understanding of Bach Flower Essences and their uses. Dr. Bach would have loved this book!”

– Rachel Beck
Medical Herbalist


“What this book illuminates, with astonishing clarity and deep tenderness, is the result of the dedicated, life-long work of Dr. Edward Bach in his search for a system of healing that speaks to the whole person, and the journey they are on. With great care, and decades of experience, Gudrun introduces us to this marvellous system of healing and encourages us to approach the flowers and remedies as we would a wise and trusted friend on whom we might call in a time of need. Whether you are a health practitioner using the Bach Flowers as part of a treatment plan, a curious explorer seeking to expand your understanding of this system of healing, or someone approaching the Bach Flowers as a tool for self-development and healing, there is much here to discover! Gudrun speaks with both the passion born of her own life’s purpose, and the authority of someone who knows the material at a soul level; and yet maintains throughout that it is the individual journey, and individual response to the Bach Flowers that are the cornerstones of a holistic, and transformative journey of healing. I am certain you will find the lights along the path to your own healing within the covers of this wonderful work.”

– Name withheld


I received a free copy of Healing Spirituality in exchange for an honest review, however I had pre-ordered the book (and expected to pay for it) after taking a Plant Spirit workshop given by the book’s author, Gudrun Penselin.
As the discoverer and pioneer of flower essence vibration healing, Edward Bach once said, “Serving through love in perfect freedom in our own way is success, is health.” And Gudrun Penselin’s new book, Healing Spirituality, is an expression of her commitment to serve humanity and Mother Earth, as well as a practical tool for understanding and applying the healing energy of plants.
Penselin presents 38 flower essences and 1 non-flower essence (Rock Water) in a concise and beautifully illustrated format that outlines the method, focus, category, chakras, colours, and the number with which each resonates. Penselin channeled the message for each flower and she encourages readers to receive the information with an open heart, read it daily, and use it as an affirmation.
I highly recommend this book for individuals and health professionals to use in understanding and applying flower essences to support mental, emotional and spiritual health.”

– Pat Crocker
International Award-Winning Cookbook author and Culinary Herbalist


“I was lucky enough to have met Gudrun at a recent herbal medicine conference and I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. As a physician & an herbalist myself, I am always looking to expand my practice and my bookshelf, and this book served as a valuable resource to myself, my students, and my patients all within the first week of having it in my hands. Gudrun’s writing is easy to digest and profoundly meaningful all at the same time. It reflects who she is, which is a wise and honest healer who has gifted us with a wealth of her experience and knowledge in writing this book as an important reference for anyone hoping to explore the potential of the plant world to help heal out mental, emotional, and physical lives.”

– Dr. Marisa Marciano, ND


Because of the content in this book, I’ve also purchased more for family and friends!
Healing Spirituality by Gudrun Penselin is a therapeutically and beautifully flavored reference guide. Even if one is already familiar with Bach Flower therapies, the author’s wise words may very well influence a much deeper understanding of the potent yet subtle power of plant vibrations ready to assist in the wellness and enjoyment of life. Exquisite illustrations, intuitive messages from the plants, heartfelt written words, and keen Dr. Bach quotes all bring together a truly insightful, beneficial and joyful work of art. A book for all to use and enjoy. I’m sure Edward Bach is smiling down on Gudrun today!”

– Marian Jacoba Shilka
Visual Artist & Workshop Facilitator


This book is amazing! It is very comprehensive and full of wisdom and information yet simple to read. Everything is extremely well done. Healing Spirituality brings Edward Bach’s life and the Bach Flowers alive. A must read for the novice as well as anyone already working with Bach Flowers.”

– Lena


“Gudrun has been a healer, a support and a teacher for many years in her alternative health practice. She has a broad spectrum of knowledge balanced by respect and a deep intuitive sense of people’s needs. I was introduced to the Bach Flower Cards and Bach Flower Essences as part of my treatment process. I have found both to be a source of soul strengthening insight and a path to more direct healing. I am very excited by Gudrun’s new book which will allow more people exposure to this timeless and effective method of healing and personal growth.”

– Kathy Andersen
M.Sc.,Registered Clinical Psychologist in Alberta for 35 years


“As an RMT who focus’ much of her work on abdominal concerns ranging from digestion to fertility, I am always wanting to learn about other modalities that can support the work I do. I have been in contact with the writer (Gudrun) on various occasions to refer clients to her so that they can get the additional support that is needed for the concern they are working on.
HEALING SPIRITUALITY – A Practical Guide to Understanding & Working with BACH FLOWERS, is quite incredible. Like the other review, I found this book simple to follow and understand as well as very informative. I would highly recommend this book to other practitioners, as well as anyone else who is interested in bringing another form of healing into their homes.”

– Tacie Kyle
RMT, ATMAT Practitioner, Fertility Practitioner & Coach


Bach Flowers Mandalas“Gudrun Penselin has poured heart and soul into a perceptive project that combines two gentle yet powerful healing modalities, the Bach Flowers and the Mandala. Healing with Bach Flower Mandalas is a joyful and beneficial colouring book for those with hearts open to the combined experience of play and healing. Both the Bach Flowers and the mandalas bring forward distinct features and while playing with the colour, design and nature of this beautiful book, participants may find they are feeling more balance, harmony and focus in their lives.”

– Marian Jacoba Shilka
Visual Artist and Mandala Workshop Facilitator